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What's New in JDK8?

Discover the latest enhancements in Java Development Kit 8 (JDK8), from powerful Lambda expressions to improved security and deployment options.

What's New in JDK8?

Java Platform, Standard Edition 8 (Java SE 8) is a new version of the Java programming language that has been in the works for a long time. It offers a lot of new features and improvements. Java SE 8 is a big update that comes with a lot of new elements and changes that make the platform more useful and easier to use. Oracle has added Java SE 8 to JDK8; this article explains what's new in JDK8 in detail.

Java Programming Language

The Java programming language is getting into new dimensions. Java is a popular programming language that has been updated with a lot of new features. Here are some of the most fascinating ones.

Lambda expressions are a revolutionary new feature of Java that enables a person to utilize code or functions as method arguments. They make it simpler to build interfaces with only one method and make it easier to interpret lambda expressions for methods that already have names.

Default Methods: Improving Libraries using Default Methods make it possible to add new features to libraries' interfaces while also ensuring that code built for previous versions of those interfaces still works.

Repeating annotations let one use the same kind of annotation on the same declaration or type more than once.

On the other hand, type annotations let annotations be used wherever a type is used, not simply when it is declared. When used with a pluggable type system, this feature makes verifying the type of code easier.


The API for Collections and Stream

The new package has a Stream API that lets a person do operations on streams of items in a functional approach. The Stream API is built within the Collections API, which lets one do sequential or parallel map-reduce transformations on large collections.

HashMaps with Key Collisions

Improve Performance HashMaps with key collisions work much better with Java's newest version, which is a big change. For Small Devices, the new Java Compact Profiles include parts of the Java SE platform already set up. Owing to this, Java is now more flexible than ever.

Enhanced Security Features

Java is a programming language that may be used to develop many various kinds of programs for the web, desktop, mobile devices, and more. In the latest version of Java, the security features have been greatly strengthened, making it safer and more reliable for developers.

TLS 1.2 is always enabled on the client side with this release. Clients and servers can talk to each other more safely if they use a better version of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. Another key change to security is the updated version of AccessController.doPrivileged. It enables programs to use only some of their permissions without having to pause the whole stack-walking process to look for further permissions.

The latest version of Java also features stronger password-based encryption algorithms, making it tougher for hackers to break passwords. With JSSE Server's support for SSL/TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension, clients can specify the server's hostname during the SSL/TLS handshake process. This makes SSL/TLS a stronger security protocol.

The Java version works with AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data) techniques, which are faster and safer than other encryption algorithms. The SunJCE provider has been updated such that the AES/GCM/NoPadding cipher may be used and the GCM algorithm can be set up. The SunJSSE provider has been updated to work with cipher suites that employ the AEAD mode.


JavaFX is an innovative framework for building client applications. It enables programmers to make programs that function on several platforms and provide users with a current experience. The newest version of Java brought additional capabilities to JavaFX, making it more powerful and flexible.

The new Modena theme that came with this version of JavaFX is one of the most important modifications. JavaFX apps now appear and feel more contemporary and clean because of the redesigned layout. With the new SwingNode class's aid, developers may add Swing content to JavaFX programs. This lets them blend JavaFX programs with ones that use the Swing framework.

The JavaFX version also features more UI Controls, such as the DatePicker and TreeTableView controls, which make it easier for developers to build complex user interfaces. The public classes for the JavaFX Printing API are in the javafx.print package. This makes it possible to print JavaFX applications.

Last but not least, JavaFX's new ScheduledService class helps services operate quicker and more consistently by automatically restarting them. JavaFX can already be utilized on ARM processors for its core, graphics, and control.

New Tools

JDK 8 introduced several new tools that improve the development experience.

jjs command

The jjs command is a utility that lets a person use the Nashorn engine from the command line. With the jjs command, developers may run JavaScript code from the command line.

java command

The main way to start Java programs is with the java command. With JDK 8, the java command was improved so that it could run JavaFX programs. JavaFX is a set of graphics and media packages that developers may use to make sophisticated user experiences that work on many platforms.

java main page

The java man page was reworked in JDK 8, making it more user-friendly and easier to understand.

jdeps command-line tool

The command-line utility jdeps is used to look at class files. This tool helps developers figure out which classes and packages depend on each other. This makes it easier to design code that is modular and easy to maintain.

Java Management Extensions (JMX)

JMX is a Java technology that lets developers manage and keep an eye on Java programs. With JDK 8, JMX now lets developers run diagnostic commands from afar. With this functionality, developers can test and fix Java programs that are executing in remote settings.

jarsigner tool

The jarsigner tool is used to sign Java archive (JAR) files. In JDK 8, the jarsigner tool has an option for requesting a signed time stamp from a Time Stamping Authority (TSA). This feature provides a mechanism for verifying the time at which a JAR file was signed, helping to prevent issues related to expired or revoked certificates.

Javac tool

The Java compiler is the javac tool, which turns Java source code into bytecode. Several changes were introduced to the javac tool in JDK 8.

  • With the -parameters option of the javac command, formal parameter names may be kept, and the Reflection API can be used to acquire formal parameter names. This feature makes it easier for developers to write code that can be kept up to date and is easier to comprehend.
  • Section 15.21 of the Java Language Specification (JLS) stipulates that the javac tool must now respect the type requirements for equality operators. This makes sure that the code is always the same and meets the standards.
  • Now, the javac tool can verify the text of javadoc comments for flaws that might cause difficulties, such as improper HTML or problems with accessibility.

Javadoc tool

With the help of the javadoc tool, documentation for Java code may be created. Several changes were made to the javadoc tool in JDK 8.

  • The javadoc tool works with the new DocTree API, which lets developers use abstract syntax trees to move through Javadoc comments.
  • With the new Javadoc Access API, developers may contact the javadoc tool from a Java program without having to create a separate process.


Java 8 provides significant improvements to internationalization support. Some of the key enhancements are discussed below:

Unicode Enhancements

Java 8 adds support for Unicode 6.2.0, which includes several new characters, scripts, and blocks.

Adoption of Unicode CLDR Data

Java 8 now uses the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) to provide locale-specific information such as date/time, numeric, and currency formatting.

New Calendar and Locale APIs

Java 8 introduces new Calendar and Locale APIs that make working with dates, times, and time zones easier.

Custom Resource Bundle Extension

Java 8 provides the ability to install a custom resource bundle as an extension, allowing developers to customize their applications' internationalization support.



The new release has replaced SocketPermission with URLPermission for sandbox applets and Java Web Start applications. It allows connections back to the server from which they were started.

Permissions attribute

The updated security measures require the Permissions attribute to be included in the JAR file manifest of the main JAR file at all security levels, ensuring secure and uninterrupted operation.

Date-Time Package

The new set of packages provides a comprehensive date-time model, simplifying the work for developers working with date and time values.


Nashorn has taken the position of Rhino as the default JavaScript engine for the Java platform. Nashorn provides better performance and is more lightweight than Rhino. Nashorn works with ECMAScript 5.1, which is the newest version of the JavaScript language. It also supports the new features that came out with ECMAScript 6.


Pack200 is a compression scheme used for JAR files. JDK 8 provides Pack200 support for constant pool entries and new bytecodes introduced by JSR 292. The support for JSR 292 enables better performance for dynamic language support. JDK 8 also supports class file changes specified by JSR-292, JSR-308, and JSR-335.

IO and NIO

JDK 8 introduces a new SelectorProvider implementation for Solaris based on the Solaris event port mechanism. This provides better scalability and performance for applications that use a large number of connections. To use this SelectorProvider, run the Java program with the system property "java.nio.channels.spi.Selector" set to the value "".

java.lang and java.util packages

Parallel array sorting is a new feature in JDK 8 that makes it faster to sort large arrays. To achieve this, the array is broken up into smaller parts, and those portions are sorted at the same time. With JDK 8, the Java programming language can now conduct unsigned arithmetic. This makes working with data like file formats and network protocols that demand unsigned math is easier.


JDBC 4.2 introduces several new features, including support for the Java SE 8 Date and Time API, the ability to retrieve generated keys asynchronously, and enhanced support for large objects.

The JDBC-ODBC bridge, which was deprecated in JDK 8, has been removed in JDK 9. Applications that depend on the JDBC-ODBC bridge should migrate to an alternative solution.

Java DB

JDK 8 includes Java DB 10.10, an open-source, pure-Java database engine. Java DB provides support for SQL and JDBC and the ability to embed the database engine within a Java application.


With JDK 8, the "" class is added. This class is used to give or take away rights for URLs and makes it easier to control who gets to use network resources. A security manager must also be installed for the "" class to be able to open a connection.



Java 8 adds several new classes, methods, and interfaces to the java.util.concurrent package, making it easier to write concurrent programs.

ConcurrentHashMap Enhancements

Java 8 adds methods to the ConcurrentHashMap class to support aggregate operations based on the new streams facility and lambda expressions.

Scalable Updatable Variables

Java 8 adds classes to the java.util.concurrent.atomic package to support scalable updatable variables.

Common Pool

Java 8 adds methods to the ForkJoinPool class to support a common pool.


Java 8 introduces the StampedLock class, which provides a capability-based lock with three modes for controlling read/write access.


Java 8 includes several enhancements to the HotSpot virtual machine, including:

Hardware Intrinsics

Java 8 adds hardware intrinsics to use Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), which can significantly improve the performance of encryption operations.

Removal of PermGen

Java 8 removes the Permanent Generation (PermGen) memory space, which was used to store metadata about loaded classes.

Default Methods

Java 8 adds support for default methods in interfaces, which makes it easier to evolve interfaces without breaking existing implementations.

Java Mission Control 5.3 Release Notes

Java 8 includes Java Mission Control 5.3, which provides several enhancements to the Java Mission Control tool, including:


IT professionals and technical students need to keep up with the current changes to the Java programming language if they want to be competitive in the employment market. With JDK 8, features like Lambda Expressions, Method References, Default Methods, and improved collections have made Java programming quicker, simpler, and more efficient.

Enroll in Cogent University's best-in-class programs to get the technical skills and take advantage of market prospects. Don't forget to check our website and read more articles to keep up with the latest breakthroughs in technology.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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